The future of the universe rests in the fate of an uninhibited monkey god who must prevent demonic forces threatening all creation from tumbling into chaos…

The First Superhero: Monkey King is directed by Ralph Zondag and Dick Zondag, and produced by Michelle Qi for Eastern International Pictures Group.

Music by James Everingham for Bleeding Fingers Music
Additional music & arrangements by Laurentia Editha, Jasper van Dijk, Andrew James Christie
Scored produced by Russell Emanuel
Score supervisor: Christopher J. King
Score coordinator: Marsha Bowe
Music production services by Steven Kofsky
Technical score engineer: Sebastian Ruiz Velasco Aguado
Technical score assistants: Adam Adams, Harsha Thangirala
Score mixed by Seth Waldmann
Scored mixed at Remote Control Productions
Score mix assistant: Garrett Edson
Music contracting services by Encompass Music Partners, Scoring Berlin, Four for Music